
A Secular Kids Book

The Bible is one of the great works of world literature, and Genesis is where it all begins (pun intended). Genesis is a story that everyone should absolutely be familiar with. The Genesis stories are woven deeply in to western history, culture and philosophy. This secular childrens book version of Genesis is as the name implies, hopefully a neutral telling of the story, one without any of the subtle proselytizing that can often be found in children’s books about religion.

This secular Genesis opens with a discussion of how we as people lived long ago, why we told stories and created mythologies, it then progresses to the seven days of Creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and concludes with Joseph in Egypt. The book is by no means a complete retelling of Genesis, rather it is a quick introduction meant to familiarize kids with the story and introduce the main characters.

Other Titles

Exodus (English)

Genesis (Spanish)

Genesis (French)

Exodus (Spanish)


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