Being a modern parent and looking for good childrens books for your kids it’s almost impossible not to come across the Little People Big Dreams series. Very cute, modernly whimsical illustrations of the lead protagonist for each book, which is always the biography of a single individual. The first books were on Coco Chanel, followed by Frida Kahlo, Amelia Earhart and a whole host of others. Since the series began in 2016, there are now more than 105 volumes and assume more to come. The books are very well done, very well written, although not entirely convinced that the biographies are 100% accurate. The illustrations are generally pretty flat and monochromatic, with warm colors, the effect works very well with little kids.
The overall theme of the series is to introduce kids to modernish historical characters through short biographies of their lives, starting with their childhood and how they had a big idea that grew in to some fantastic thing that they did later in life.
Steve Jobs was a little boy who didn’t love school but became enamored of computers and built Apple. Stephen Hawking……… Charles Darwin…. Frida Kahlo…
All of the Little People Big Dreams books are easy, short reads and your kid will probably pick out their favorites. It’s tempting to just buy them all and go through them somewhat randomly, which is perfectly fine. However, considering how many books there are, perhaps a better approach is to group them in to themes and concentrate on that particular theme for a week or two. Go through the full list of books and it’s not too hard to create a few themes, artists, explorers, athletes, musicians, et cetera.
Exposing your children to as much as possible is the best way to expand and educate a young inquisitive mind, but taking that one step further, building upon new experiences and creating reinforcements is really going to make it stick. With a few future posts already in mind we’ll leave off for now, but check back soon for our ideas on music and nature and how to better introduce some of the Little People Big Dream biographies to your kids.