In The Beginning. Couldn’t resist doing it. Many months in the making and the first book, in what hopefully will become a series, Genesis A Secular Kids Book is finally available on Amazon. This has been quite the adventure and glad to see that it’s coming to fruition. From initial idea to publication it’s probably been about a year, but the past few months have been the most fun. Getting the book written, proofed, edited. Finding and interviewing illustrators and then finally choosing and having the opportunity to work with the very talented Matthew King.
I think the final product is pretty great. It can get a bit wordy and its by no means a complete retelling of Biblical Genesis, but it accomplishes its purpose which is to provide a good foundational introduction to the Bible, the Old Testament and Genesis in particular in a secular (neutral) manner. I got the author proof maybe a week ago and I’ve been reading it to our kid, who seems to like it, so it passes muster.
Secular Genesis is available in hardcover, softcover and digital. If you want a couple of extra interior photos to checkout the text and illustrations you can find them here on our website on the page listing.